Baldassare Galuppi (1706-1785): Toccata per L’Elevazione

Описание к видео Baldassare Galuppi (1706-1785): Toccata per L’Elevazione

I can enjoy listening to and playing technically advanced music, even though my skills are limited... 😊. I can appreciate music that reflects history or evokes a specific “feel.” I can also enjoy spiritual music with it’s cultural roots. However… the most I love to do is listen to and perform imaginative music. Imaginative music is music where cognition and sensations unite to create feelings.

My current piece is a perfect example of this. As I play, my mind combines my (modest) knowledge of the baroque music culture in Italy, the natural beauty of Italy, its food, drinks, people, language, and movie culture from the golden years of cinema (think Don Camilo and Peppone!). All of this happens subconsciously in my brain, resulting in a unique feeling. So, while playing, I not only experience the music but also transport myself to 18th-century Italy. I call this musical “time travel.” I think Dr. Who would understand what I mean.

In general I don’t like music that is deliberately made to be imaginative. Like lots of Disney music and movie music in general. They “steer” your emotions and give “words” to it. Those songs are carefully crafted with a emotional goal. I prefer emotions that can’t be described in words.So if you find pieces in my Channel (and there are quite a few, like “Pure Imagination” or “Une Belle Histoire”) they mean way more to me then just the music or what they mend to reflect. It’s always deep and personal.

I’m happy there are organists, both professional and amateurs, who bring music from popular movies and popular songs to the general public. There is a huge demand for it. Some organists even become almost Rock Stars with their music. Which is fantastic.

But… in my little corner on YouTube, no big movies or sing-a-long music. I just take you with me to sunny 18th century Italy. And I hope you like it!

Played with the 1804 Van Peteghem organ in Ulvenhout, the Netherlands

For the best listening experience, I recommend using headphones, earbuds, or a hi-fi set. The sound dynamics of the pipe organ are truly remarkable and can be fully appreciated with high-quality audio equipment.

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