Darkorbit PaRGo - Nobody Said It Was Easy ***

Описание к видео Darkorbit PaRGo - Nobody Said It Was Easy ***

Heyya Darkorbit community!
Took me 4 hours for all the vegas part, 30 minute of editing is enough to keep this video as simple as possible, because I wanna see the message of the video spreads to all the players of this game.
the fact that there's no more players on the map due to the massive ban wave just show us even more that the only few people who still like to play this game must do something.
I cannot be sure that private servers will works and will keep the community alive, but as you all can see there's not so much we can do in the actual darkorbit. Some server got 250 players online only, global europe 1 800-900 players during normal hours... this is not anymore our game...
Spending moneys for what? All top 10 inactive, no enemies on the map to fight with... no more bot for everyone? fine, but why there's people on the spaceball with autolock?

Speaking of the video:
First scenes are from old glory times, nothing to say there I just slows the first action because it was too fast in the first vid.

The video is split in 2 parts: the one with the "old gameplay" darkorbit, 2 old clips and some action in pvpuniverse... which atm is offline :/
Part Two is all on global europe 1, the last clips from the spaceball are from 11/04/2013 little hunt to see what happened after the ban wave.

In the end this is one of the videos i like more

1vs1 on the last clip was with HKM Vespa, nice match and really intense... but a smart eye can see that he had "some more" shield then me on fast confi :P

1. Nobody said it was easy - Evil Activities
2. Headhunterz - Reignite


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