Bad killer! Knight anti bully!

Описание к видео Bad killer! Knight anti bully!

29th april and 1st may 2024.

1) This game provides a good example why knight is a bad client for bully play.
The survivors team is competent and almost completed the 5 gens.
Without useless bully-game they would have made into the end-game for sure.

2) This game provides another good example why knight is a bad client for bully play.
The survivors team is even more competent than the other and way more committed to the bully play.
They have several different tools like the old "Buckle up + For the people" old combo.
In those days there was also rubber banding issue that is visible in the game in two different moments.
Neverthless the only times when the knight loses his prey are from moments when Decisive strike is forced.

#deadbydaylight #killer #badkiller #flashlight #knight #bullysquad #dbd #flashlight


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