Collections Corner Cases by Stuart Marks

Описание к видео Collections Corner Cases by Stuart Marks

So you think you know the Collections Framework? Sure, you can add elements to an ArrayList and put entries into a HashMap. There's a lot more to collections than that, though. The Collections Framework has a rich set of APIs with surprising depth.

This session isn't a typical survey of the Collections interfaces and implementation classes. Instead, it's a deep exploration of some of the corners of the Collections Framework that will reveal some little-known features. These features can be useful and powerful, but their behavior can also be startling, leading to unexpected bugs for the unwary.

Attend this session for a unique and educational look at the Collections Framework.

Stuart Marks is a Consulting Member of Technical Staff in the Java Platform Group at Oracle. He is currently working on a variety of JDK core libraries projects, including Collections, Lambda, and Streams, as well as improving test quality and performance. As his alter ego "Dr Deprecator" he also works on the Java SE deprecation mechanism.

He has previously worked on JavaFX and Java ME at Sun Microsystems. He
has over twenty years of software platform product development
experience in the areas of window systems, interactive graphics, and
mobile and embedded systems. Stuart holds a Master's degree in
Computer Science and a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering
from Stanford University.


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