Fettle - How to take a blood sample

Описание к видео Fettle - How to take a blood sample

How to take a finger prick blood sample at home using the Fettle test kit.


How long does this test take?
It's best to do this when you have 5-10 minutes spare. Watching this video will help you take your sample more quickly whilst being warm and keeping your arm straight will really help blood flow to your finger.

Does it hurt?
Some people say it doesn't hurt at all, others say their finger is still a little sore a couple of days later. The lancet will make a cut into your finger. Some people find the centre of their fingertips are sensitive and so they prick the side of their finger.

When should I take this test?
It takes time before STIs can be detected in a test. You should wait 7 weeks after you think you could have been exposed to HIV, and 12 weeks for syphilis, hepatitis B or hepatitis C . You can do this test at any time of day.

Find more information about STIs, testing and treatment on our website https://fettle.health/sti

[Video description: A Black femme person with dark curly hair stands calmly in front of a light coloured background, we can just see their head and shoulders, they say...

"I’m going to show you how to take a small blood sample and share some top tips that will make it even easier."

The screen turns yellow and reads "warm up" in black writing. The person says...

"It’s best to do the test when your body is warm as this helps blood flow.
To warm up just before you do the test, try taking a hot bath or shower, hold a warm drink for a few minutes, do some physical exercise, or running your chosen hand under warm water for a few minutes."

When the person says "hot drink", they hold up a mug in two hands.

The person says...

"Find a clean flat surface, and lay the test kit out."

The person is standing behind a table, items from the test kit are laid out across the table. The person says...

"Keep standing up, with your hand below your waist."

The video cuts to different shots of the following instructions. The person says...

"Remove the lid from the blood tube. Place the tube on a flat surface so it can stand up."
"Twist and pull the blue tip off of the lancet."

The person points to their 2nd and 3rd finger and says...
"You're going to take blood from one of these two fingers on your least favoured hand."

The video continues to show each of the instructions while the voice says...

"Press the top of your finger with your thumb, so that the tip of your finger turns pink."
"With your thumb still in place, press the lancet firmly into the side of your finger tip, where the skin is softer and push hard."
"You will feel a tiny prick."
"Wipe away the first drop of blood with a clean tissue."
"Gently massage your finger from the knuckle to the tip and allow the drops of blood to fall into the tube."

The video cuts to a view of the full blood tube and the person says…

"It's important that you fill the tube to the 600 line. This usually takes about 16 drops."
"If you struggle to get enough blood, you can use another lancet to repeat with another finger."

The video follows the instructions again as the person says…

"Push the yellow cap firmly back onto the tube."
"Gently turn the tube upside down five times."

The video shows the blood sample tube being put into the specimen transport bag. The person says…

"Peel off the yellow strip. Fold and seal the bag."
"Your samples are already labelled with a unique code so you do not need to write anything on them."

The video shows the the lab card and the specimen transport bag being put into the Freepost box.

"Place the sealed bag and your lab card into the Freepost box addressed to our lab."

The person closes the box. We see a close up of a sticker that's labelled 'Security Seal' and then see this used to seal the box closed.

"Close the box using the security seal sticker."
"Note down your tracking ID"

We see the barcode on the label of the box. Underneath the barcode is a tracking number that starts with #.

"Post your sample in any Royal Mail postbox."

The person says...
"To recap:
To make your test easier, follow our top tips."

The screen turns white and help tips appear as text. They say

Helpful tips:

- Get hydrated: drink a glass of water in the hour before you take your sample
- Relax
- Warm up: take a hot shower or bath just before
- Stay standing and keep your arm straight, with your hand below your waist.
- push the lancet firmly against your finger.
- Aim for the side of the tip of your finger, not too close to your fingernail.
- If you're nervous, talk to us or ask someone to help you.

The next screen reads:

If you would like help or advice, text us or email:

07400 370 855 | [email protected]

Finally the screen changes to the Fettle logo.]


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