Why Eve Cornwell Left Law: daring to disappoint the world for your own happiness

Описание к видео Why Eve Cornwell Left Law: daring to disappoint the world for your own happiness

Hiiiiii friends, welcome back to the sixth episode of ✨ Finding your Casual Magic ✨ (another wonderful guest episode!!!)

This is the tandem episode to last week's which was all about finding your purpose. How do we know what to pursue in our lives? How do we know if something is the right path for us? And what do we do if later down the line, the path that we thought was what we wanted maybe doesn't serve us anymore? Today I am SO excited to be interviewing my dear friend Eve Cornwell, who has a lot of answers to these questions.

Eve became known for wanting to become a lawyer. She started vlogging at university while studying law and amassed a huge audience with her unique editing style and original storytelling abilities, I can always remember being so immensely inspired by how creative and high effort her videos were. But whilst the world knew her as this ambitious trainee lawyer, I was lucky enough to know her as Eve, one of my funniest, bravest, impact driven friends. She has also been a huge role model for me in learning to embrace my sexuality and queerness.

In this episode, I open with a short guided meditation before we talk all about Eve’s journey. From quitting law, going offline, coming back online, owning her queerness, her YouTube journey and getting married we cover it all.

I close the episode with my ‘Casual Magic of the Week’ and then we hear from one of you guys followed by intention setting for the week ahead. Grab a journal or open your notes app and join me as we ask ourselves…

What went well this week?
What is a little joy that you can celebrate?
What is something that challenged me this week?
Based on these reflections, choose a one word intention for your coming week.

I am so grateful that you’re here and I hope you love this episode, and if no one has told you today, you are enough. 💛

Follow Eve on Instagram: @evecornwell

00:00 Introduction
01:02: Introducing Eve Cornwell
04:16 Guided Meditation
05:54 Eve's decision to pursue a career in law
08:46 The reality of law school and its impact
11:33 Eve's expectations of her training contract
13:30 Sacrifices in the legal profession
15:50 Staying in law despite the challenges
16:22 Eve's online presence and its impact on her legal career
18:16 The conflict between YouTube authenticity and legal professionalism
20:14 Realising the misfit with being a lawyer
21:00 The identity crisis during the legal career
22:48 Navigating a queer discovery journey
23:29 Conflict with maintaining online presence and legal career
30:08 Embracing career change and discomfort
31:06 Product management and finding a fulfilling career
32:10 Separating purpose from career
35:16 Articulateness and academic prowess in law
36:33 Journey to embracing queer identity
37:52 The Journey of Queer Self-Acceptance
38:33 Proposing to My Girlfriend
40:03 The Challenge of Reclaiming Marriage
43:25 Redefining Queer Rituals and Norms
44:44 Embracing Queerness in a Heteronormative Workspace
47:18: Words of Wisdom and Advice on Queerness
50:02 Advice for Career Changes
56:14 Current Joys and New Hobbies
56:40 Introduction to climbing
57:16 Casual Magic of the week
01:00:18 Weekly reflection and intentions
01:02:26 Closing thoughts and wisdom

If you’d like to be featured as the Casual Magic of the week:
💌 Notice a moment of casual magic in your week. What was something beautiful in your daily life? A special moment or reflection?

💌  DM us a ~60 second voice message or video to @casualmagicpodcast on instagram or email it to [email protected] — feel free to include any pictures of your casual magic if you have any!!

💌  Start the voicenote by introducing yourself and where you’re from!!

💌  Tell us in your DM / email if you want to be tagged if chosen.

💌  We’ll pick one a week to share in the podcast and on here so we can all participate in your joy!!

Business Enquiries: [email protected]
Instagram - @unjadedjade
TikTok: @unjadedjade

This is Finding Your Casual Magic with UnJaded Jade
Produced by The Podcast Guys
Theme music by Francesca Lu
For more Finding Your Casual Magic, go to @casualmagicpodcast on Instagram!!


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