The beautiful woman has polio trying to stand and walk

Описание к видео The beautiful woman has polio trying to stand and walk

The beautiful woman has polio trying to stand and walk
Une belle femme amputée d’une jambe essaie de se lever et de marcher
La bella mujer tiene polio tratando de pararse y caminar.
A linda mulher tem poliomielite tentando ficar de pé e andar
Красивая женщина больна полиомиелитом и пытается стоять и ходить.
Die schöne Frau hat Kinderlähmung und versucht zu stehen und zu gehen
Ang magandang babae ay may polio na sinusubukang tumayo at maglakad #amputado #prosthesis #amplife #oneleg #adaptiveathlete #disability #disabled #iamadaptive #ottobock #limbloss #amputee #polio


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