PhasmoRPG - Episode 7 | The Finale

Описание к видео PhasmoRPG - Episode 7 | The Finale

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  / nuzzgard  

Welcome to Episode 7, the finale of my PhasmoRPG series. A team of four ghost hunters has been assembled, with an ultimate goal to work towards. There are maps to purchase, equipment to unlock and traits for them to acquire that will make things more and more difficult the more the team progress.
I will choose who to send to each mission. Any team member that dies is dead for good. If everyone dies the series will end. Will they survive? Lets find out.

Trait Glossary:
Archaeologist: Must find the bone as a priority. Can't do anything else until it is found
Atmospheric: Can only use the candle for light
Back Pain: Must crouch at all times after the truck door is opened for the first time
Bartender: Must bring all drinks on the map to the ghost room
Bold: Can’t use the crucifix
Chatterbox: Must always talk to the ghost when near it, say its name, ask for signs, etc. including during hunts
Chef: Must bring all plates and cutlery on the map to the ghost room
Chilly: Must keep the breaker on at all times
Clumsy: Drop all items when a hunt begins
Courteous: You must close every door behind you, including during hunts
Coward: If you experience a ghost event, you must leave instantly and guess based on the current evidence and ghost behaviour.
Deafened: No sound when playing this character
Disorientated: Headphones are reversed when playing this character
Forgetful: Two random unlocked items have been forgotten, and are banned this mission. Spin the wheel to decide which items
Germophobe: Must wash your hands every time you directly pass a sink, or a room with a sink
Impulsive: If there is a ghost event, the character must drop whatever item is in their hand out of fear. This item is now broken and can't be used again this mission
Inconsiderate: Every door you pass must be left wide open, including during hunts
Inquisitive: If the Ouija board is found, you immediately have to use it until you get a successful answer
Insane: Never allowed to check sanity on the truck monitor
Limp: Can’t sprint during hunts
Nycotophobic: Building Lights have to stay on in the current room you are in at all times. If the breaker goes off, go get it back on ASAP
Oversized: Can’t hide in lockers or closets
Paranoid: Can’t hide in the same place more than once per mission (includes furniture, lockers and closets)
Perceptive: Must use eyes and ears only to find and confirm the ghost room
Pharmacophobic: Can’t take sanity pills
Photophobic: No building lights are allowed
Raver: Can only use glowsticks for light
Reckless: Can’t use smudge sticks
Rushed: Not allowed to check the breaker location on the truck monitor
Shy: Not allowed to talk to the ghost (this includes the Spirit Box and Ouija Board)
Small pockets: Can only carry 2 items
Thick jumper: Must keep the breaker off at all times
Tidy: Must put every item back where it belongs if the ghost disturbs or throws them
Unprepared: Can’t look at any information on the whiteboard (ghost name & optional objectives)
Useless: Can’t use any evidence gathering equipment
UV expert: Can only use the UV torch for light
Weak bladder: Must use the toilet every time you directly pass a room with a toilet in
Young at heart: Must rescue any stuffed toys and bring them back to the truck


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