2024 VDS Stardust Planner update

Описание к видео 2024 VDS Stardust Planner update

2024 VDS Stardust Planner update

I was away from insta and youtube for a good while because I was busy kicking cancer's ass. Had stage 4 lymphoma in 2021, went through chemo and beat it. I was in remission for 18 months before it came back again at stage 4 in 2023. I've finished chemo again and am now back in remission yay! Anyway, that's the reason I dropped off the face of the earth on insta, youtube, and closed my shop. I'm not planning on opening my shop again, but I figured it would be fun to release some freebies. I'll probably put them up on dropbox. I'll either shoot a quick video here to show the freebies, or I'll do a post/story on instagram when they're up with the link.

Hope you enjoy!



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