Flipped cars, wrecked campers, insane beaches. Our trip to Point Peron, Denham Western Australia

Описание к видео Flipped cars, wrecked campers, insane beaches. Our trip to Point Peron, Denham Western Australia

Point Perrin is located at the tip of Shark Bay, Western Australia. It is an absolutely stunning area with fishing, snorkeling, swimming and exploring to do in the national park of Francois Peron.

It's also around 100kms there and back of 4wd heaven, or hell, depending on the situation.

On our return we helped a car that had flipped on its side (all we ok and uninjured) and not to far up the road came across a camper 4wd that had the canape come off about 6-10 inches at the back. We strapped them up and escorted them back out of the park.

A massive day filled with laughter, hot tubs and incredible memories.


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