EP 1854:20 साल से इंतज़ार है एक LandLine फ़ोन की घंटी बजने का, अगर घंटी बजी समझिए मिस्ट्री सुलझ गई

Описание к видео EP 1854:20 साल से इंतज़ार है एक LandLine फ़ोन की घंटी बजने का, अगर घंटी बजी समझिए मिस्ट्री सुलझ गई

When Smitha George went missing in Dubai in 2005, she allegedly left behind a note saying she was leaving her husband to be with her lover. Her husband Antony was arrested for allegedly forging the letter. He now stands acquitted. But the case just got more twisted.

On September 3, 2005, Smitha George, then 25, newly married and in a foreign land, vanished without a trace. But she purportedly left behind a letter in the flat in Dubai from where she went missing, saying she was leaving to join her lover. A decade later, in February 2015, with no trace of Smitha, the Kerala Police arrested her husband Valiyaparambil Antony, accusing him of allegedly forging the letter and allegedly torturing Smitha and causing her disappearance.

Now, almost another decade later, comes another twist: last month, a court in Kochi acquitted Antony of both the charges against him.

The CBI court also took note of a letter from the UAE — sent in July this year in response to the CBI’s Letter Rogatory — which said that an unidentified body of a woman had been found in a Sharjah hospital morgue on September 6, 2006, a year after Smitha went missing. The UAE letter said Smitha’s family had been shown photographs of the body and they had “confirmed 100%” that it was hers. The letter also said forensic tests conducted on the body — which was buried on November 22, 2006 — had confirmed that the person died of “natural” causes.
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