Master Reading Spark DAGs

Описание к видео Master Reading Spark DAGs

Spark Performance Tuning

In this tutorial, we dive deep into the core of Apache Spark performance tuning by exploring the Spark DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graph).

We cover the Spark DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graph) for a range of operations from reading files, Spark narrow and wide transformations with examples, aggregation using groupBy count, groupBy count distinct. Understand the differences between sort merge and broadcast joins, and analyze the DAG from different perspectives with practical examples.

This video is a treasure trove for both beginners and experienced Spark users looking to optimize their code and understand the inner workings of Apache Spark. We examine the DAG, input batches, and partitions in great detail, understand the significance of metadata, and explore how Spark optimizes the execution of jobs and stages.

📄 Complete Code on GitHub:
🎥 Full Spark Performance Tuning Playlist:    • Apache Spark Performance Tuning  
🎥 Link to Spark Query Plan Video:    • Master Reading Spark Query Plans  

🔗 LinkedIn:   / afaque-ahmad-5a5847129  

00:00 Introduction
00:34 Module imports
00:51 Topics covered
01:54 Spark DAG for Reading a file
07:36 DAG for Narrow transformations
11:17 Wide transformations introduction
11:24 DAG for Sort Merge join (wide transformation)
18:30 DAG for Broadcast join (narrow transformation)
20:15 DAG for Aggregations Group by count (wide transformation)
24:41 DAG for Aggregations Group by sum (wide transformation)
25:44 DAG for Aggregations Group by count distinct (wide transformation)

#ApacheSpark #SparkPerformanceTuning #DataEngineering #SparkDAG #SparkOptimization
#dataengineering #interviewquestions #azuredataengineer


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