
Описание к видео 讓愛傳出去

走過2020年, 我們生活經歷了前所未有的改變. 面對未來的無知與惶恐幾乎每天都在一次次的重複上演。

儘管如此, 我們反而更加珍惜眼前所擁有的一切 . 家人, 同事, 朋友, 法親…等的關懷與陪伴支持著彼此一步步走下去。

2020年的尾聲, 在此獻上 “讓愛傳出去”手語與您分享, 感恩這一年來有您的陪伴. 不管未來還有多少的挑戰, 我們將帶著笑容攜手走下去。

有您的祝福, 沒有過不去的苦

The year 2020 definitely had its challenges and obstacles. Without doubt, there are still many unanswered questions that lie ahead.

However, we must continue to remind ourselves to be grateful – for our family, friends and colleagues, because together, we can support one another to keep going.

Please enjoy the sign language performance of “Spread Love”. As 2020 comes to an end, thank you for your support. No matter the difficulties that lie ahead, let us smile because we’re not alone.

With your blessings, there are no obstacles we can’t conquer.


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