'At this moment of grave national tragedy....':Mallikarjun Kharge reatcs after Balasore Accident

Описание к видео 'At this moment of grave national tragedy....':Mallikarjun Kharge reatcs after Balasore Accident

Mallikarjun Kharge, the President of the Indian National Congress, extended his heartfelt condolences for the Odisha train tragedy. Kharge stressed the urgent need to prioritize rescue and relief operations, putting questions about the incident aside for the time being. He emphasized the importance of a collaborative effort among all stakeholders involved to provide immediate assistance and support to those affected. Kharge acknowledged the severity of the situation and underscored the significance of swift action to mitigate the consequences of the tragic event. His remarks reflected a compassionate approach, urging all concerned authorities to work cohesively towards ensuring the safety and well-being of the victims and their families.

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