Toy Piranya are equally Insane and Broken | Dungeon Clawler

Описание к видео Toy Piranya are equally Insane and Broken | Dungeon Clawler

✵Playlist:    • Dungeon Clawler  
Today in Dungeon Clawler we finally go for a Piranha build - no, that's not Pira-nya, it's just how we say it in German. I said no. The Piranya is an odd weapon that swims around and eats Fluff, each time increasing it's damage. However, the main difficulty is actually clawing the Piranha to attack the enemies, because it swims around and eats Fluff. All the time. Unless it gets stranded. There also seems to be an odd bug that prevents the Piranha from being thrown back into the item pool, but despite that it was a solid weapon - hopefully getting fixed soon.

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