Unpacking: Location of every sticker, no talking

Описание к видео Unpacking: Location of every sticker, no talking

Unpacking is a zen game about the familiar experience of pulling possessions out of boxes and fitting them into a new home. Part block-fitting puzzle, part home decoration, you are invited to create a satisfying living space while learning clues about the life you’re unpacking. Over the course of eight house moves, you are given a chance to experience a sense of intimacy with a character you never see and a story you’re never told.

0:00 Intro
0:24 Wow
0:35 Blast some tunes
0:47 Solve some puzzles
1:06 Beginning
1:35 Strike a pose
1:56 Electrical hazard
2:12 A sometimes food
2:27 Flush reminder
2:41 Get smart
3:17 Game on
3:35 Hat on head
3:58 Flush reminder
4:05 Fellowship
4:22 Tidy whities
4:50 Brew some coffee
5:26 Flush reminder
5:39 Too cool
5:59 Rediscover childhood
6:22 Home cooking
6:42 12:00
6:58 Brilliantly solved
7:26 Flush reminder
7:33 Independence
7:52 Fuzzy friends
8:11 Green thumb
8:23 Flush reminder
8:27 Love
8:47 Gotta Flush em all
9:04 Baby builder
9:24 No place like home


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