The Bizare World Of Frank Zappa - 2019 - My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama - Albany, NY.

Описание к видео The Bizare World Of Frank Zappa - 2019 - My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama - Albany, NY.

The Bizare World Of Frank Zappa - 2019-04-28 - Hart Theater - The Egg - Albany, NY.

The Bizarre World of Frank Zappa is an official 2019 tour which features former band members of the Mothers of Invention performing in combination with a hologram image of Zappa. The hologram footage was taken from unreleased footage from a 1974 L.A. concert and was put together by Eyellusion and Ahmet Zappa.

Band :

Frank Zappa Guitar & Vocals
Mike Keneally Guitar& Vacals
Scott Thunes Bass
Robert Martin Sax Keyboards
Ray White Guitar Vocals
Ed Mann Vibes & Percussion

The concept is controversial , with some Zappa fans argueing that Zappa himself would never have approved this. Dweezil Zappa declined any participation. Ahmet Zappa on the other hand claimed: “My father and I actively discussed 3D and ‘holography’ and it was a concept he actively engaged in,” Ahmet said in a statement. “He actually devoted half a chapter of his The Real Frank Zappa Book to this subject. On a personal note, I feel like I am finishing something my father started ye In fact, Zappa even discussed holograms in an interview used during the tour and in the promo clip. Ahmet Zappa: "It's fascinating how into holograms my dad was. It's unbelievable that we have Frank in his own words talking about it."


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