How To Use Compound Benzoin Tincture (Friar's Balsam) Single-Use Ampoules [Blister Prevention]

Описание к видео How To Use Compound Benzoin Tincture (Friar's Balsam) Single-Use Ampoules [Blister Prevention]

Compound Benzoin Tincture Single-Use Ampoules, available from Blister Prevention:
✅ 6-Packs:
✅ Box of 100:

[0:00] What is Compound Benzoin Tincture
Compound Bezoin Tincture, commonly referred to as Friar’s balsam, is an adhesive enhancer. People use it to help adhesive products like tapes, dressings, bandages and plasters stick to their skin in difficult environments, like with really sweaty feet, or creek crossings, running in the rain or through puddles.

[0:21] What do the Ampoules look like
This is what a Compound Benzoin Tincture single-use ampoule looks like. There’s a cardboard sleeve on the outside which holds the removable ampoule. The ampoule itself is a plastic tube on the outside with a thin glass tube on the inside which holds the tincture. On one end, there’s a gauze applicator which is what you wipe over the skin to apply the brown liquid.

[0:42] How to get the ampoule ready to use
To get the ampoule ready to use, take it out of its cardboard sleeve and put it back in, in reverse, so the applicator end is visible. Now you’re ready to release the tincture.

[0:50] How to release the tincture
To release the tincture, look for the red dot and squeeze it gently (well, maybe a little more than gently) to crush the glass on the inside. This will release the CBT. Turn the ampoule so the gauze applicator is facing down and you’ll see the applicator become more brown as the tincture soaks into it. It won’t drip unless you give it a gentle queeze, which you can do if you need to. This will help saturate the tip and may even cause a drop of tincture to come out, so make sure if you squeeze it, you’re applying it to the skin at the same time.

[1:24] How to apply to the skin
To apply the tincture to your skin, keep the ampoule angled so the liquid soaks into the gauze applicator at the end. Very gently squeeze it to release more tincture as you need it as you’re rubbing it onto the skin.

[1:37] How much tincture is in the ampoule
There is 0.6 of a mil of liquid in each ampoule. If I continuously squeeze, I get 9 drops out, plus the remaining bit soaked into the gauze applicator. To demonstrate what sort of coverage you’ll get with that, you’ll easily cover the sole of both feet. Here I’ve covered the sole of one ladies size 9 foot, plus all of the toes (top, bottom and sides), and half the sole of the other foot. I need to keep the ball of one one foot free for the next bit so I can demo the difference in adhesive strength.But I’m confident I could have done both feet at a push.

[2:14] Does it really enhance adhesion?
Does Compound Benzoin Tincture really enhance adhesion? Yeah, it really does. Let me show you the difference with a piece of tape on the ball of the foot. The foot on the left has just had Compound Benzoin Tincture applied; the foot on the right is just bare skin. I’ve applied a piece of Fixomull tape on each foot; now watch me pull the tape off with similar force. The tape is much easier to pull off the foot without the CBT applied to it.

[2:42] What to do with the ampoule after use
What do you do with the ampoule after use? Great question. Because you really don’t want any left over tincture dripping out and staining your towel, the carpet, your blister kit or anything else. If you don’t have a bin handy, you need to know how to carry the ampoule without making a mess.

[2:58] 3 tests
So I did 3 tests. In the first test, I squeezed all the tincture out. Then I inverted the ampoule back into his cardboard sleeve in an effort to contain any leakage and rested it on some paper towel to see if it leaked, and how much it leaked.

In the second test, I crushed the ampoule to release the tincture,but this time I didn’t use any of the tincture, I just inserted the ampoule back into the cardboard sleeve in an effort to contain any leakage, and rested it on some paper towel to get a guage of how badly it leaked.

And finally, I crushed the ampoule to release the tincture, I didn’t use any of the tincture, but this time, I left the ampoule as it was with the applicator outward and rested it on some paper towel to see how badly it leaked. So this test had the potential to leak the most.

My suggestion for carrying used ampoules is to put a tissue in a ziplock bag to soak up any leakage and simply seal the ziplock. That should keep the contents safe and sound until you can discard into a bin. It must be said, these are single-use ampoules and are intended to be used and then discarded. So please don’t bank on there being available tincture 24 or 48 hours later. And whatever you do, don’t tamper with the gauze applicator at the end - that’s keeping the glass shards inside the ampoule.

[4:41] Conclusion



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