EP: 137 Wandering Stars with Doug Van Dorn - Blurry Creatures

Описание к видео EP: 137 Wandering Stars with Doug Van Dorn - Blurry Creatures

Author, podcaster, and theologian Doug Van Dorn returns to the show to explore his research on biblical prophecy. Ancient civilizations had an extremely advanced understanding of the movement of the stars and the procession of the skies--so much so that cities, megaliths, and other structures were built and designed to mirror the heavens. What did biblical writers know about the heavens that we do not? What is astral prophecy? How can Christians understand what the ancients did about the movement of stars and 'signs' in the heavens? Is any of this related to the watchers and the fallen sons of god?

guest: douglasvandorn.com

Intro song: Boy Meets Girl: "Waiting for a star to fall"

contact: [email protected]


Socials instagram.com/blurrycreatures facebook.com/blurrycreatures


Music Kyle Monroe: tinytaperoom.com

Aaron Green:   / aaronkgreen  

Mastering: ironwingstudios.com

Editing: ‪@AFrickingCasual‬

Outro Song: TimeCop1983: timecop1983.com


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