Lexicon PCM70 vs 480L

Описание к видео Lexicon PCM70 vs 480L

Lexicon has produced some of the most iconic reverb/effect units ever made. Studio workhorse gear. The Lexicon PCM70 came out in the mid 80s as a scaled down version of their flagship 224(xl), while the 480L came in the late 80s and became the industry standard.
Are they really that far apart in terms of sound? Yes, the 480L is still king and this video shows why.

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Big thanks to "Lydverket AS v/ Dag Stephen Solberg for loaning me the 480L ++
Big thanks also to Anders Jensen for loaning me the TC2290 for this album.
Check out his stuff here:
Bandcamp: https://eoxstudios.bandcamp.com
Youtube:    / @andersengerjensen  

Find my music here:
Bandcamp: https://espenkraft.bandcamp.com/


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