"Aatma Rama" |Soul is eternal bliss |1 hours Beautiful mantra to connect with essence

Описание к видео "Aatma Rama" |Soul is eternal bliss |1 hours Beautiful mantra to connect with essence

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"Shree Ram, the essence of the Self (Atma), is the embodiment of eternal bliss. Known as Achyuta, Keshava, Hari, and Narayana, I humbly recognize the non-dual nature of Rama. He dispels the illusion of worldly fears, possesses eyes reflecting the infinite consciousness, and stands as the ultimate reality beyond any distinctions in the manifested world. O Narayana, you are the timeless essence, beyond the limitations of temporal existence, and your being transcends any specific form or identity. Resting in the infinite expanse of consciousness, you are the undivided reality (Brahman), the inseparable essence of Absolute Truth, Pure Consciousness, and Infinite Bliss. Note: The term Vishnu signifies the all-pervading reality, where the symbol of Anant Shesha represents the infinite nature of existence, and Vishnu pervades this boundless expanse. Satchitananda represents the indivisible trinity of Absolute Truth, Pure Consciousness, and Infinite Bliss within the non-dual reality of Brahman."


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