House facade is a solar heater-concentrator ( Immovable versions of Parabolic Trough)

Описание к видео House facade is a solar heater-concentrator ( Immovable versions of Parabolic Trough)

Solar concentrator Parabolic trough without tracking and any movements of its mirrors
(Fully fixed mirrors)
My 3rd YouTube channel:    / @cheapsolarheat3630  

This mirror focuses solar radiation in this device which is usually called the term "receiver". We see that the mirror is fixed to the wall, and therefore it can not move, and this fact is its difference from these widely known devices which must constantly move from morning to evening according to the movement of the sun across the sky.

This is my solar station, but it does not move from morning to evening, however I have to do this change in the vertical angle of its mirrors about once a week. We see that this receiver is fixed to the mirrors, but here I fixed it to the ground. This type of solar heaters also requires the change in the vertical inclination of the mirrors, but approximately 10 times a year, and it was described by one of my old videos.

But now my mirror is completely motionless, and I will never change its position, and the topic of this video is a description of the features of this type of solar heaters. Obviously, this type of solar heaters is interesting for these cases when we plan to cover the south wall of a house or building with reflective sheets, or we plan to use reflective sheets to cover the outer surface of our southern fence or the inner surface of our northern fence. Interestingly, reflective sheets can be very cheap, and for example, these sheets of stainless steel of this mark have a price of 12 $ / sq.m.

We understand that solar energy from the reflective sheets can heat water or air for space heating of a house or building. Interestingly, the same reflective sheets are now used in this system which produces hot water for my summer cottage.

This is a similar solar heater, but here I use not expensive steel sheets, but a cheap reflective polymer film which helps heat these 50 liters of water to a temperature of 89 ºC. This idea may be interesting for cases like this solar cooling system where these 5,000 sq.m of solar collectors produce a lot of heat with a temperature of about 90 ºC. The heat goes to the inlet of this absorption chiller which turns the heat energy into cold that is used to cool a large school instead of traditional air conditioners. This system cost 10 million dollars, but I plan to drastically reduce the cost of such solar cooling systems using similar solar heaters, and maybe my third YouTube channel will describe these ideas in a few months.

It is obvious that our immobile mirrors can not only cover houses or fences, but also they can form similar long rows for producing a lot of cheap heat.

These two versions may differ significantly, and this is the example of the summer version. This is another example of the summer version, but let's look at the features of similar winter versions which may be interesting for space heating, for heating pool water, or for other purposes.

Let's watch how this spot of solar radiation from my mirrors will move from morning to evening during one day.

It is morning, and the spot is here, and these are time points during one day of October, 17. Now the sun is exactly opposite the mirrors, and at the same time this is the moment when the spot is located in the lowest position. So, we understand that our receiver should be located here if we want the spot of solar radiation to be inside the receiver during 6-8 hours. It was a situation where the mirrors and receiver are located exactly along this West-East line, but we understand that our real reflective walls or fences may have a different direction.


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