Powering my TV with a Ebike Battery

Описание к видео Powering my TV with a Ebike Battery

What's going on everybody rob here with a little video on powering my TV with the E bike battery. I went ahead and found a E bike in the garbage. The motor was frozen together. So I harvested the lithium battery pack. I am a DIY battery builder and I knew I could do something with this battery pack. I did invest $75 into this battery pack. So right now I'm able to power my TV with this battery pack. I do have a bench top charger that can charge up to 60 volts. So I can charge this battery at 2 amps up to 42 volts and it will hold this charge for an extremely long time I already had the TV on for three hours running off of this battery. And I tell people if there is a power outage the last thing you wanna do is use your big screen TV's because you do not know how long that power outage is going to last period so right now I'm just doing this to show you that with lithium batteries they are pretty strong and can discharge a lot of voltage. What I hooked up here was a 200 Watt inverter. This battery was made to power a 250 Watt motor therefore I know I can discharge 200 watts although I would never take it to that limit. I do know around the house what power consumption is being used by what appliances. I could plug my stove into this battery I can plug my deep freezer into this battery and I can run two fish tanks off of this battery without the heater on the fish tanks. But either way if you monitor your power around your house you'll know what you'll be able to use with this homemade battery.

Thanks for watching,

Rob here AKA Trev2323


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