【創造者】這個做遊戲的男人,為什麼被玩家們稱為“神”?Shigeru Miyamoto's Biography!

Описание к видео 【創造者】這個做遊戲的男人,為什麼被玩家們稱為“神”?Shigeru Miyamoto's Biography!

聽到這熟悉的旋律,你有沒有想起這位穿著藍色背帶褲,戴著紅色帽子的水管工? 相信各位對馬力歐這個角色肯定很熟悉了,這個形象早已深深烙印在玩家們的心裡,給一代人的童年添了幾份快樂。 他的創造者宮本茂,從一個淘氣的鄉下小孩,到天才遊戲設計師,靠的是自身天馬行空般的想像力,他深受玩家們喜愛,被人們奉為“遊戲之神”。 這背後究竟有什麼故事? 馬力歐系列的魔力是啥? 宮本茂為什麼能成功? 這便是我們今天要講述的創造者的故事!When you hear that familiar tune, do you think of the plumber in the blue overalls and red hat? I believe you are familiar with the character of Mario, who has been deeply imprinted on the hearts of players for a long time, adding happiness to the childhood of a generation. Its creator, Shigeru Miyamoto, rose from a mischievous country boy to a talented game designer, beloved by gamers as the "god of games" thanks to his wild imagination. What's the story behind this? What is the magic of the Mario series? Why did Miyamoto succeed? That's the story of the creator!
#遊戲 #nintendo #創造者


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