DIY Knitting Row Counter and Stitch Marker

Описание к видео DIY Knitting Row Counter and Stitch Marker

DIY Knitting Row Counter and Stitch Marker
These DIY row counters are amazing for your knitting. If you’re interested in more jewelry making tutorials, then please subscribe.

You can find links to all of the materials I used in this project here:

Useful Techniques:
Jump Rings -    • Jump Rings 101: How to Use Jump Rings...  
Basic Loops -    • How to Make a Simple Loop - Easy Jewe...  
Wire Wrapped Loops -    • How to Make a Wire Wrapped Loop - Eas...  
1 Step Looper -    • The Jewellery Making Tool That Change...  

Jewellery I’m Wearing
Necklace -    • Make a STUNNING Blue Focal Bead Neckl...  
Earrings -    • How to Make Earrings with Long Irides...  
Bracelet -    • How to Make an I Love Spring Stretchy...  

If you are interested in making these earrings, please visit our website for all the supplies.

To see more of our beading projects please check out our website. https://www.affordablejewellerysuppli...
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