Scaletronic Cross Belt Sorter Systems

Описание к видео Scaletronic Cross Belt Sorter Systems

Our Cross Belt Sorter delivers products with pinpoint accuracy using individual carriers, each with its own belt conveyor. Divert points are concentrated at close intervals making the system very space efficient.

The Cross Belt Sorter transports goods safely and gently to their destinations, regardless of their shape, size, or surface characteristics.

The Scaletronic Cross Belt Sorter systems can be configured in linear or loop designs depending on the application.


High Sortation Rates: Scaletronic control systems deliver the highest possible sort rates. Single, twin, and double-deck options allow our Cross Belt Sorters get orders out fast with throughputs as high as 24,000 items per hour.

Exceptional Product Handling: Our Cross Belt Sorters handle a broad range of items including plastic totes, cardboard carton, trays, stuffed envelopes and poly bags. Items can weigh from 20 grams to 50 kilograms with dimensions from 50 x 50 x 1 mm to 1500 x 800 x 800 mm.

Compact Design: Precision features allow these Cross Belt Sorters to have the narrowest chutes in the market. Narrow chutes positioned in close intervals save valuable floor space.

Efficient, Quiet Operation: Scaletronic Cross Belt Sorter features include linear synchronous motors, automatic standby mode for induction conveyor, automatic variable offloading speed, low-friction plate under load transfer belts, and other innovative technology. These features and lightweight carriers save on energy costs and reduce equipment wear.


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