Radiant Silvergun 1cc

Описание к видео Radiant Silvergun 1cc

Arcade mode (XBLA), Normal (Stage 2 route)
Score: 7,268,440

Stage 3A - 00:02 | 3B - 01:10 | 3C - 03:44 | 3D - 05:51 | 3E - 07:28
Stage 2A - 10:16 | 2B - 12:08 | 2C - 14:44 | 2D - 17:05 | 2E - 18:11
Stage 5A - 20:18 | 6A - 23:27 | 1 - 27:05

This is my first (and, so far, only) 1cc of this game. (I haven't really played it since.) I got this run quite a while ago (the day after the game was released on XBLA), but I never got around to capturing and uploading it until now.

I haven't put a huge amount of effort into this game, so I don't go for a lot of scoring opportunities. This is pretty low for a clear score, really. (It's essential to do some scoring, in order to get weapon levels high enough to be able to handle the later stages.) Maybe if I get back into this game, I'll try the stage 4 route, which scores a lot higher, but is harder. It's a fun stage, though.

As for the run itself, three of the four deaths were pretty stupid and easily avoidable. I didn't really bother trying to chain 3C, and I messed up the chains a little bit in other places (notably 2E), but otherwise I think I did alright in the first two stages. I don't even bother really chaining in stage 5, as survival alone is hard enough for me on that stage, but amazingly I managed to no-miss that stage. I have a feeling the homing lasers at the start of stage 5 behave a little bit differently in this version, so I used a different approach to them compared to usual (that is, actually pay attention to them), and somehow it worked. After that, Xiga taking me down to my last life made me a little nervous (especially with one of the deaths being really dumb), and it wouldn't have been the first time a run ended within seconds of clearing. Fortunately that didn't happen this time, and I actually think the higher resolution on this version helped me dodge stuff.

It took me a little while to adjust to the 360 controls (coming from keyboard with emulator); I had lots of fun fumbling buttons during my first runs. (The game has 7 weapons, and each weapon is assigned to its own button. Fortunately, the weapons are all accessible by combinations of 3 of the buttons, which is how I was used to playing it anyway. I always use the dedicated button for the sword though.) The D-pad is still inferior to the keyboard, and while that usually doesn't cause me any problems, the difference is noticeable when I try to use the sword, for instance.

The XBLA version has some graphical glitches and other minor issues, and it doesn't have any slowdown (bad). As far as I know, the Saturn version is perfect in these regards. The XBLA version does have replays and a good stage practice feature, which is a big plus.



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