राहु का नील से असरदार उपाय पलभर में परेशानियां दूर भगाए | Fabric Whitener Remedy of Rahu

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राहु का नील से असरदार उपाय पलभर में परेशानियां दूर भगाए | Fabric Whitener Remedy of Rahu

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Playlist - Remedies of planets as per Lal Kitab:
लाल किताब से सम्बंधित सभी वीडियो देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें।
   • Remedies of planets as per Lal Kitab  

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Lal Kitab astrology is a unique form of astrology that originated in India. It is based on the principles of Vedic astrology but differs in its methodology and approach. The Lal Kitab system of astrology is known for its simplicity and accuracy in predicting future events.

One of the key features of Lal Kitab astrology is its emphasis on the position of planets in a person's horoscope. Lal Kitab astrology focuses on the placement of planets in the twelve houses of the horoscope, their interaction with each other, and their impact on various aspects of a person's life.

Another unique feature of Lal Kitab astrology is the use of remedies to counter the negative effects of planetary positions in a person's horoscope. These remedies can be as simple as wearing a particular color or gemstone, performing a specific puja or mantra, or making a charitable donation.

In this YouTube video, we will explore the principles of Lal Kitab astrology in detail. We will discuss the key differences between Lal Kitab and Vedic astrology, the significance of the twelve houses in a person's horoscope, and the importance of remedies in Lal Kitab astrology.

We will also provide practical examples of Lal Kitab astrology predictions and remedies, as well as tips on how to use Lal Kitab astrology to improve your life. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced astrologer, this video will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Lal Kitab astrology and its applications in daily life.
Contact for the Horoscope analysis as per Lal Kitab
Website: http://astrosubhash.com/
Facebook:   / astro.subhash.71  

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Using Gadgets For My Videos :

Camera – Canon mirrorless M50
lens – 50mm

Sony ZV E10L
Sony Lens 16-50mm
Sigma lens 30mm f 1.4

Rode wireless Go 2
Rode videomicro shotgun mic
Samson Q9U Dynamic Mic

Audio Interface – Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd gen

This video is made for educational purpose only and is based on astrological texts. The channel/speaker/presenter are not responsible for the good and bad effects of the remedies described in this video. We do not claim for the validity of the authenticity of the content and remedies.


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