History of Islam Series: Prophets Idris (Enoch) and Nuh (Noah). by Ustadh Amin Almuhajab

Описание к видео History of Islam Series: Prophets Idris (Enoch) and Nuh (Noah). by Ustadh Amin Almuhajab

Sunday, July 19, 2020 session will cover Prophets Idris (Enoch) and Nuh (Noah). by Ustadh Amin Almuhajab

ICSGV Presents History of Islam Series
Free Online Courses:

Starting with History of Al-Anbiya (Prophets)

From Adam (as) to Prophet Isa (as) – will cover major prophets mentioned in the Qur’an

Practical Examples & Life Lessons

Interactive sessions will be conducted online on Sundays

from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Those who would like to interact with the instructor,

please use the Zoom video link
ID: 928 542 519, Password: masjid

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