木音入肝 Wooden music heal the liver 《了然於心》Understand 放鬆減壓,積極向上,舒心暢氣,愉悅心情,助益睡眠,膽小多疑情緒低落可多聼用。

Описание к видео 木音入肝 Wooden music heal the liver 《了然於心》Understand 放鬆減壓,積極向上,舒心暢氣,愉悅心情,助益睡眠,膽小多疑情緒低落可多聼用。


Wooden Music is a type of healing music based on natural sounds and instrumental performances. The characteristic of this music is the use of wooden instruments as the primary playing tools, such as wooden xylophones, bamboo flutes, and wooden fish. In addition, natural sounds such as bird chirping, forest sounds, and stream flowing are often incorporated. These sounds, combined with the performance of the instruments, produce a calm, gentle, and soothing effect, which can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and insomnia, promote physical and mental well-being, and assist individuals in relaxing their bodies, enhancing their focus and concentration, and strengthening their self-awareness and emotional management abilities. Furthermore, this type of music can also be used to soothe babies' emotions and aid in their relaxation and peaceful sleep.


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