How to Self Assess Your Drawing Skills

Описание к видео How to Self Assess Your Drawing Skills - Do you know what is your level of drawing skills according to the standards of classical art education? Many self-taught artists and art students tend to overestimate the level of skills not because they are proud of their achievements, but because they do not know what the standards are. The following information will help to assess your level of drawing skills on the scale from zero to 10. To learn good drawing skills, get personal tutoring by the professional artists -

Levels of drawing skills:

Level Zero

A complete beginner in constructive drawing, who draws from observation by intuitively judging proportions or by copying photos, and then renders tonal values “to make an artwork three-dimensional”. Such an artist may have been drawing for many years, but is still not able to see mistakes in own artworks and do not understand why his or her drawings lack realistic appearance, why facial features in portraits are “a bit off”, why figures are “stiff”, why one can draw from photos but could not do it properly from life, memory or imagination.

Level 1

How to sharpen a pencil the right way. How to hold a pencil with the “candle grip”. How to draw perfect lines (both straight and curved). How to hatch and cross-hatch in layers. How to draw simple flat geometric objects. Rules and principles of linear and aerial perspective – one-point and two-point perspective. How to measure relative proportions, alignments, angles and cross-points with a pencil. Principles of constructive drawing. How to draw simple geometrical three-dimensional objects in perspective. How to draw cubes. How to draw ovals. How to draw cylinders (both standing and reclining). How to draw cylindrical objects like vases, pots, mugs. How to draw man-made geometrical objects. Rules and 15 elements of composition. Golden proportions. Theory of contours. Proficient tonal rendering techniques.

Level 2

Classical orders – Doric, Ionic, Corinthian. How to draw classical capitals. How to draw simple still-lifes with man-made objects. How to draw still-lifes with simple organic objects. How to draw animals. How to draw draperies. Ho to draw complex still-lifes with draperies. How to render tonal values to reveal complex construction and aerial perspective.

Level 3

How to draw interiors. How to draw exteriors. Anatomy of a skull. Planes of a skull. How to draw a skull. How to draw an écorché of a head. Muscular anatomy of a head. Proportions of a human head and face. How to draw simple classical busts and head casts. How to draw classical head casts with complex hair-styles and facial hair. How to draw full-face and 3/4-view portraits.

Level 4

How to draw a skeleton. Proportions of a human body. How to draw an écorché of an arm. Anatomy of an arm. How to draw an écorché of a hand. Anatomy of a hand. How to draw an écorché of a foot. Anatomy of a foot. How to draw an écorché of a leg. Anatomy of a leg. How to draw an écorché of a torso. Anatomy of a torso.

Level 5

How to draw classical-canon figures – both male and female ancient Greek and Roman sculptures. How to draw draped figures. How to draw multi-figure compositions. How to draw portraits and figures of life-models.

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