Is 'Oh The Biomes You'll Go' BETTER Than 'Biomes O Plenty'?

Описание к видео Is 'Oh The Biomes You'll Go' BETTER Than 'Biomes O Plenty'?

Let's take a look at Minecraft's SECOND most downloaded world-gen mod, Oh the Biomes You'll Go, and see if it stacks up to it's direct competitor, Biomes O Plenty!

0:00 Intro
0:26 Allium Fields
0:50 Amaranth Fields
1:25 Araucaria Savanna
1:34 Aspen Forest
2:05 Atacama Desert
2:52 Autumnal Forest
3:30 Autumnal Taiga
3:43 Autumnal Valley
4:03 Baobab Savanna
4:19 Basalt Barerra
4:35 Bayou
5:44 Black Forest
6:09 Borealis Grove
6:16 Canadian Shield
6:30 Cardial Tundra
6:40 Cherry Blossom Forest
7:20 Cika Woods
7:50 Coconio Meadow
8:12 Coniferous Forest
8:26 Crag Gardens
8:46 Cypress Swamplands
9:27 Dacite Ridges
9:49 Dacite Shore
10:03 Dead Sea
10:21 Ebony Woods
10:42 Firecracker Shrublands
10:55 Forgotten Forest
11:18 Fragment Forest
11:36 Frosted Coniferous Forest
11:53 Frosted Taiga
12:11 Guiana Shield
12:32 Howling Peaks
13:04 Jacarana Fields
13:37 Lush Stacks
13:52 Maple Taiga
14:18 Mojave Desert
14:31 Orchard
14:54 Prarie
15:17 Rainbow Beach
15:40 Red Oak Forest
15:58 Red Rock Valley
16:16 Redwood Thicket
16:44 Rose Fields
16:54 Shattered Glacier
17:16 Sierra Badlands
17:31 Skyris Vale
18:07 Temperate Grove
18:23 Temperate Rainforest
18:44 Tropical Rainforest
18:59 Twilight Meadow
19:18 Weeping Witch Forest
19:47 White Mangrove Marshes
20:12 Windswept Desert
20:44 Zelkova Forest
21:03 Science Time

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