Hari-hari ini, semua orang bicara inovasi. Tetapi apa sebenarnya inovasi itu? Mengapa mesti ber-inovasi? Apa kaitan inovasi dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi, dinamika sosial, bahkan kualitas kepemimpinan?
#NALAR mengurai pemahaman mendasar tentang inovasi dan perannya dalam dinamika kehidupan yang lebih luas dari sekedar perspektif teknologi dan ekonomi. Ini adalah satu dari beberapa episode, yang khusus mengupas soal inovasi.
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1. Schumpeter, Joseph Alois (1939). Business Cycles. 1. p. 84. Innovation is possible without anything we should identify as invention, and invention does not necessarily induce innovation.
2. Schumpeter, Joseph Alois. (1943). Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (6 ed.). Routledge. pp. 81–84.
3. Schumpeter, Joseph Alois. 1883-1950 (1983). The theory of economic development : an inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest, and the business cycle. Opie, Redvers, Elliott, John E. New Brunswick, New Jersey.
4. Utterback, James (1971). "The Process of Technological Innovation Within the Firm". Academy of Management Journal. 14 (1): 78 – via Jstor.
5. Von Hippel, Eric (1988). The Sources of Innovation (PDF). Oxford University Press.
6. Christensen, Clayton & Overdorf, Michael (2000). "Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change". Harvard Business Review.
7. West, Michael A. (2002). "Sparkling Fountains or Stagnant Ponds: An Integrative Model of Creativity and Innovation Implementation in Work Groups". Applied Psychology. 51 (3): 355–387.
8. "The Discipline of Innovation". Harvard Business Review. August 2002.
9. Rogers, Everett M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York: Free Press.
10. Miles, Ian (2005) Innovation in Services. In J. Fagerberg, R.R. Nelson & D.C. Mowery (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Innovation. 433-458. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
11. Baregheh, Anahita; Rowley, Jennifer; Sambrook, Sally (4 September 2009). "Towards a multidisciplinary definition of innovation". Management Decision. 47 (8): 1323–1339.
12. Franklin, Perú (2009). "Questioning two myths in innovation literature". The Journal of High Technology Management Research. 20: 40–51.
13. Schiederig, Tim; Tietze, Frank; Herstatt, Cornelius (22 February 2012). "Green innovation in technology and innovation management - an exploratory literature review". R&D Management. 42 (2): 180–192.
14. Bhasin, Kim (2 April 2012). "This Is The Difference Between 'Invention' And 'Innovation'". Business Insider.
15. Green, Emma (20 June 2013). "Innovation: The History of a Buzzword". The Atlantic.
16. Edison, H., Ali, N.B., & Torkar, R. (2014). Towards innovation measurement in the software industry. Journal of Systems and Software 86(5), 1390–407.
17. Blok, Vincent; Lemmens, Pieter (2015), "The Emerging Concept of Responsible Innovation. Three Reasons Why It Is Questionable and Calls for a Radical Transformation of the Concept of Innovation", Responsible Innovation 2, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 19–35.
18. What's the Difference Between Invention and Innovation?", Forbes, 10 September 2015
19. Rubin, Tzameret H.; Aas, Tor Helge; Stead, Andrew (1 July 2015). "Knowledge flow in Technological Business Incubators: Evidence from Australia and Israel". Technovation. 41–42: 11–24.
20. Christensen, Clayton M.; Raynor, Michael E.; McDonald, Rory (1 December 2015). "What Is Disruptive Innovation?". Harvard Business Review.
21. Amabile, Teresa M.; Pratt, Michael G. (2016). "The dynamic componential model of creativity and innovation in organizations: Making progress, making meaning". Research in Organizational Behavior. 36: 157–183.
22. Satell, Greg (21 June 2017). "The 4 Types of Innovation and the Problems They Solve". Harvard Business Review.
23. Hughes, D. J.; Lee, A.; Tian, A. W.; Newman, A.; Legood, A. (2018). "Leadership, creativity, and innovation: A critical review and practical recommendations" (PDF). The Leadership Quarterly. 29 (5): 549–569.
24. Lijster, Thijs, ed. (2018). The Future of the New: Artistic Innovation in Times of Social Acceleration. Arts in society. Valiz.
25. Blank, Steve (1 February 2019). "McKinsey's Three Horizons Model Defined Innovation for Years. Here's Why It No Longer Applies". Harvard Business Review.
26. Godin, Benoit (2019). The invention of technological innovation : languages, discourses and ideology in historical perspective. Edward Elgar Publishing. Cheltenham, UK.
Production team
Producer: Yanuar Nugroho
DOP & editor: Vaizal Andrians
Art director: Hari Saptomo
Footage video & music: Videvo
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