踏山河 Ta Shan He [是七叔呢 Shi Qi Shu Ne] - Chinese, Pinyin & English Translation 歌词英文翻译

Описание к видео 踏山河 Ta Shan He [是七叔呢 Shi Qi Shu Ne] - Chinese, Pinyin & English Translation 歌词英文翻译

Hi, here are some references :)
Jiangnan or Jiang Nan is a geographic area in China referring to lands immediately to the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, including the southern part of its delta.The region encompasses the city of Shanghai, the southern part of Jiangsu Province, the southeastern part of Anhui Province, the northern part of Jiangxi Province and the northern part of Zhejiang Province. The most important cities in the area include Anqing, Changzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Ningbo, Shaoxing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Wenzhou, and Zhenjiang.
Jiangnan has long been regarded as one of the most prosperous regions in China due to its wealth in trade and very high human development.
I translated 天下又入谁手 to 'whose hand will the world enter once more', but the line basically refers to 'who will control the world next?' as in 'whose hands will all under the heavens (tian xia= the world) enter (as in be controlled by) once more (as in the world is once more controlled by someone between intervals of chaos)'.
I think the line 分分合合 (separating and coming together) may be a reference to a quote from Romance of the Three Kingdoms '合久必分 分久必合' which translates to 'the long united will separate, the long separated will unite'. This refers to the Dynastic Cycle which is a theory based on China's long history that explains that the world is ever-changing in a cycle.
十面埋伏 is an idiom that refers to an ambush on ten sides to encircle and wipe out the enemy. From《抱妆盒》
四面楚歌 is an idiom from《史记·项羽本纪》that describes being surrounded by enemies at all sides, isolated and besieged.

歌曲原唱: 是七叔呢
填词: 祝何
谱曲: 祝何
编曲: 祝何

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