On the Trail of Giants in Appalachia and Beyond - Theme 4: The Cataclysm

Описание к видео On the Trail of Giants in Appalachia and Beyond - Theme 4: The Cataclysm

I will be presenting many research findings for why I believe there was a deliberately-caused, and relatively recent, cataclysm, which wiped the "Old World Order" off the face of the Earth, to be replaced by the "New World Order," and its agenda for total world control and domination of the Earth, its people, and its resources.

I have brought forward the main themes that unfolded from my original video "On the Trail of Giants in Appalachia and Beyond" separately for your consideration in this four-part series.

This is last-themed segment of this series, with the featured theme of “The Cataclysm."

I covered major players behind this agenda and its implementation in the first part of this series called "Robber Barons and Resetters."

The other two themed-segments in this series are on “Giants" and "The Energy Grid."


NEW: I am very excited to announce the publication of a new eBook that has just become available on the Nobel 7 Publishing website. Brilliantly written by Stephanie McPeak Petersen, in a collaboration with myself, Elin Carlson, and Shalamoor Bey, you can find the details about "The Lyre's Masque (The Re-Telling of Our Story)," and more about all of us, at this link:


Other eBooks available by Michelle Gibson:

Physical Evidence for the Planetary Grid System & the Suppressed Moorish Worldwide Civilization - https://www.buythisbooktoday.com/publ...

Transportation & Other Infrastructure of the Planetary Grid System - https://www.buythisbooktoday.com/publ...


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