A for apple b for ball/ A for apple with spelling/ write abcd alphabets with figure and sound

Описание к видео A for apple b for ball/ A for apple with spelling/ write abcd alphabets with figure and sound

A for apple b for ball/ A for apple with spelling/ write abcd alphabets with figure and sound

Hello Everyone.
In this video we will learn with handwriting a for apple b for ball with spelling.
we can also see a for apple b for ball c for cat d for dog e for elephant
a for apple b for ball c for cat d for dog e for elephant f for fish...
english alphabets/varnmala
a for apple b for bat song
With English Handwriting.
Thank you.

Your query:-
a for apple
b for ball
c for cat
abcd phonic song
abcd rhymes
abcd alphabets
abcd cartoon
Abcd for children
Abcd for kids
A for apple, b for badka apple
aabbcc song
a to z writing
a to z learn

#aforapple #bforball #abcd #alphabets
#abcdphonicsong #kids #studyhard #atozalphabetsforkids #atoz #viralvideo #spellings

Music: A New Beginning
Musician: Agnese Valmaggia
URL: https://filmmusic.io/song/6510-a-new-...
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...


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