Random Acts of Kindness | Faith in Humanity Restored

Описание к видео Random Acts of Kindness | Faith in Humanity Restored

Hello Youtube its Bystorm here with another great video of wholesome acts of kindness.

0:00 This kind man generously helps this homeless man by giving him a pair of shoes and some clothes.

0:17 A mother and son take a taxi ride and upon reaching their destination are told they don't have to pay for the fare.
0:37The mother and son are totally shocked at this nice gesture from this kind and thoughtful cab driver.

0:57 In the middle of a downpour a man runs over to give some money to a homeless man but soon realizes that he forgot his wallet. So out of the kindness of his heart he gives him his coat off his own back.

1:24 Not only does this homeless man get a ride to where he is going but he also gets a couple hundred dollars. He is so taken back by this kind gesture that he breaks down and cries.

1:55 This elederly man was struggling to cross the road on his own, so a good samaritan stopped to help him to safety.

2:07 This boy has always dreamed of going to the skatepark but having a disability has prevented him, until one day his dad takes him and gives him the time of his life.

2:19 Spreading kindness is something that we need more of in this world. Even something small like this can have a great impact on someone's day.

2:48 A pro wrestler gives a fan more than he expected as he greets him personally in the crowd.

3:11 Giving to strangers is not only good for the receiver but also is good for the giver as well.

3:37 Sharing a special moment with strangers can lead to something unexpected and most of the time become a positive interaction.

4:26 It doesn't matter if you give a little or a lot but it is the act of doing so that is important.

4:50 Sometimes helping others in need can lead to more than just gratitude from that person.

5:28 A man who owns his own barber shop decided to give a man without a home a makeover. The result is simply amazing.

6:04 Giving to others makes us feel good both physically and mentally and helps to spread kindness in our community.

6:34 A group of thoughtful students give their teacher that they look up to and admire so much a new pair of new sneakers.

7:05 This adorable child is elated at seeing snow for the first time.

7:22 It is important to give children all kinds of experiences that they will enjoy so that those experiences can become core memories for them.

8:03 This officer does the right thing and finishes the job for the man whom he took into custody.

8:29 This baby eagle can't quite eat on its own yet so its caretakers think of a very creative way to feed it.

8:53 This student's friends raise enough money to buy him glasses that allow him to see color.
9:09 His reaction to see how the world looks with color is so pure and sweet.

9:25 Doing random acts of kindness can not only help someone in need but also help your wellbeing as well. It can also inspire others to do something kind as well.

10:05 This kind neighbor comes up with an amazing plan to raise money for her war veteran neighbor to obtain a new scooter.
10:50 When he gets the news about this plan his reaction is so heart touching.
11:49 When he sees the new scooter he breaks down in tears as this beautiful moment unfolds.

13:05 This man asks to use this woman`s phone and when she agrees to help him he offers her some money to show his gratitude.

13:35 This remarkable son saves up money to buy his dad a new car after his old one broke down.
13:49 His father's reaction to seeing the new car is priceless.

14:06 Having teammates is more than just relying on each other on the field but also off the field as well.

14:33 Enjoy watching a son give his mother a brand new car.
14:45 She is overwhelmed by this kind action.
15:01 This is definitely one of the best presents she has ever recieved.

15:28 These friends and family really know how to give their loved ones an amazing surprise.

15:56 This generous man stops to help a delivery driver who isn't having the best of luck.
16:15 Although he has just met the man he decides to lend his motorbike to the delivery driver so that he can make his delivery on time.
16:30 he was a little worried about the motorbike not returning but in the end it was the power trust that returned the motorbike to him.

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