Kris Lennox/Laurent Juillet: "New Home"

Описание к видео Kris Lennox/Laurent Juillet: "New Home"

So I was speaking to Laurent recently, and we decided to have some fun on a track. Laurent works primarily in film/TV ('Dexter', various BBC productions, plus a number of French programmes/movies etc): given the oftentimes 'tightness' of music for sync, and my occasional writing melodies for others to a specific commercial form, 'breaking free' - especially during lockdown - was perhaps much-needed respite!

I gave Laurent no boundaries/guide at all - no key, no indication as to mood etc. He sent me through about 6 layers, then I got to work.

My approach - especially when dealing with melody - is to not commit anything for at least a few days, but rather, to have a think on most appropriate melodies for the project i.e bring out the very best of a track/idea. So the first few days were spent out running/up hills, working out melodies for the track/various sections. After this, it was a case of laying down percussion and bass, then working on synth patches/recording.

Laurent's instrumentation is as of the images, but I'm sure he'll also contribute in the comments regarding his instrumentation (PS here-s Laurent's YT page -    / laurentjuillet  . I had asked Laurent to take a photo of his modular patch (recognizable as the 'twang' sounds) - the image is the patch used in the track.

In terms of instrumentation/layering: I intentionally kept the initial section quite 'meandering', slowly building to the main climax (and also giving space to Laurent's ideas). I added to the A section the Moog solo (enters @ c.0:21), plus the 'Twinkle Dust' sound that enters at c.0:46.

At the B section, there's a few MB layers (the odd horn/voice sounds), piano (doubled with synth on upper parts), percussion, and a few basslines.

The ripping synth sound at c.2:16 is the ultra-powerful Vermona '14 (4 layers to make the sound), as is the melody afterwards.

The main melody: most time was spent crafting this melody (PS it is a Moog). I crafted it to become a duet, then a trio. During this section, there are strings deep in the mix, a number of percussion layers, and a few extra basslines etc. MB enters again in the final section (Stargazer is also deep in the mix).

In all, I added about 34 layers (I've only included a photo of the MB and Sub25, as to show all instruments used would possibly require google mapping). I sent the track to Laurent for a listen, and he suggested adding an extra bassline during the main theme, plus some guitars. The bass with slides is Laurent playing the bass. He sent the guitar parts back last night, and today I put them in the mix (I added a little slap back delay, and stereo widened them).

Myself & Laurent have discussed the possibility of working on an album, but we'll wait and see interest first. If enough interest, we'll also release all stems etc for any tracks we work on. Hearing the stems can be very interesting for other musicians/synth users.

I think an album would go well. The process of working on the track/working from Laurent's original idea was a pleasure. I've worked with some people where the end result is a completed piece of music and a planned assassination, but no such worries this time.

Enjoy/all best


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