【The Autism Show 觀·自閉症 】EP01 看不見的障礙,看得見的堅持 The Invisible Disability and Determined Persistence

Описание к видео 【The Autism Show 觀·自閉症 】EP01 看不見的障礙,看得見的堅持 The Invisible Disability and Determined Persistence

相信很多人有聽過“#自閉症”這個詞,但知道它是怎樣一回事的人不多,更難以想象這個診斷對家長和孩子來說意味著什麼。大部分家長在拿到孩子的自閉症診斷後,除了在心態和生活模式上會經歷翻天覆地的轉變外,他們對 #ASD孩子 日後教育、將來及就業前景的擔心和壓力也如影隨形。


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網站: http://www.autismpartnership.com.hk/zh/
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【The Autism Show: Ep1 The Invisible Disability and Determined Persistence】
“#Autism” is not a word that you will hear much in our daily life. Not many people know what #AutismSpectrumDisorder is, let alone imagine what this diagnosis means to fellow parents and children. Many parents have undergone dramatic changes in both emotionally and physically. As they venture to accept their child’s diagnosis and search for supports, what also comes along are the everyday stress and the concerns for their child’s future.

In this episode, four parents from Hong Kong will share with us what it's like to be a parent of a child with autism, and the challenges they encountered along their journeys.

Subscribe us on YouTube ▶️ https://bit.ly/2VGz77W
👉Learn more about what we do:
Website: http://www.autismpartnership.com.hk
Facebook:   / apautism  
Instagram: autism_partnership_hk
Tel: (852) 2526 3812
Email: [email protected]

#autismLIVE #SupportAutism #ASD #autism #autismawareness #SEN #關注自閉症 #了解自閉症 #自閉症 #行為分析治療 #家長分享 #自閉症訓練 #言語訓練 #社交訓練 #行為問題 #密集式訓練 #ABA訓練 #自閉症治療 #自閉症康復 #發展障礙 #特殊教育 #發育遲緩 #幼兒自閉症 #自閉症成年人


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