My First Fish Club Meeting and Auction - Aquarium Thoughts

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I went to my first fish club meeting and auction at the C.O.A.S.T Fish Club

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Short Version:    • My First Fish Club Meeting takeaways ...  

Finally, I got my chance to go to my first fish club meeting. I attended the COAST Fish Club meeting on April 7, 019 that is held at the senior center in Costa Mesa, CA. I participated in the auction and this video shows my haul.

Speaker Mark Chen discussed and described his trip collecting fish with Heiko Bleher(    / 18heiko44   )

-- Videos & Channels mentioned: --

Greg Jones(Channel):    / gregjonesonline  

Video on Auction Strategy:    • # 575: TFSRI Fish Auction and Bidding...  

-- About me: --

I am a fish keeping hobbyist living in Southern California. I have 3 tanks, unless you count the tank I run for my boys and the 10 gallon grow out tank, which then means I have 5. I love Apistogramma varieties and currently have 3 tanks with Apistogramma Cacatuoides inhabiting within. Also, I keep Neolamprologus Multifasciatus, Cardinal Tetras, Espei Rasboras, Halfbeaks, and others.

I'm doing YouTube to share what I keep and whatever knowledge I "might" possess. I'm always willing to learn more and I'm using this channel as one way to learn more. I always learn by doing research and seeing what new knowledge I can find.

If you have any questions or want to hear my thoughts on certain aspects of the fish keeping hobby, feel free to email me at:

[email protected]

Asking questions is one way to learn and asking me will give more more to seek out and research.

Thanks for watching my video. Keep Researching and Keep Learning!

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