Alim Qasimov - 16. May. 2000 - Baku

Описание к видео Alim Qasimov - 16. May. 2000 - Baku

16. May. 2000, Respublika Sarayı, Bakı
Oxuyur: Alim Qasımov
Müşayiət edirlər:
Tar: Malik Mansurov
Kamança: Rauf İslamov
Klarnet: Yavər Tarıverdiyev
Nağara: Natiq Şirinov
Alim Qasimov, (born 1957), is an Azerbaijani musician, and one of the foremost Mugam singers in Azerbaijan. He was awarded the International Music Council-UNESCO Music Prize in 1999, one of the highest international accolades for music. His music is characterized by his vocal improvisation and represents a move away from the traditional style of Mugam. According to The New York Times, "Alim Qasimov is simply one of the greatest singers alive, with a searing spontaneity that conjures passion and devotion, contemplation and incantation."


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