VEGA Conflict - Many fatal problems in this T13 season (and attacking level 190 Divide)

Описание к видео VEGA Conflict - Many fatal problems in this T13 season (and attacking level 190 Divide)

I have just gone on a vacation to seek for relaxation, now I suffer from sitting in the same place for hours just to be able to catch up to date.

* Firstly, the current grinding is still painful following with the brain-dead PvP solution in the Mobilization event or T13 major farming events in general. I honestly don't know why KIXEYE tries not to understand that PvP battles in major farming events don't give any benefit but damaged fleets, while many players out there want their fleets to be free repair against NPCs. Furthermore, the hideous pop-up screen totally prevents players from quickly use jumpship to escort the main fleet, resulting in unncessary fights. If some players have PvP fleets but still hide in their jumpship, ok no comment from me. However, if they have farming fleets that are inevitably forced to PvP because of pop-up screens? That dumb feature should be removed, ASAP. Once again, no one wants to be interrupted while he/she is minding his/her own business. The ridiculous PvP sector in a farming event is just a huge opportunity for trolls to put pressure on others.

* Talking about the painful grinding, here is my suggestion for KIXEYE to not only satisfy the fact that players want to use many fleets to full auto farm many NPCs at the same time and get free repair, but also keep coiners coining. For an example, instead of making Blood Rebellion Divide (191) NPC that has a higher chance to drop more Veritable Mk4's patterns, KIXEYE should make Divide (160) (non-Blitz) that is way more easier than Divide (190), which a single Veritable Mk3 can handle the heat in full auto mode and still get free repair, but it gives 5,000 event points and 1-2 Veritable Mk4's patterns per battle. Apply to other NPCs, 1-3 Elite's patterns or 4 fragments per drop.

* I do hope that KIXEYE will not see the NPC Claw Frigate's bug as a feature. At the moment, Claw's Frigate is having a firing arc of 360 degree while this ship should have a firing arc of a fan shape instead. Once the bug is fixed, the tactic I used in the video will be more and more helpful, which means I need less Broadsider and my Veritable receives much less damage. Therefore, this leads to the final topic of this video, the topic shows huge fatal problems that can shutdown VEGA.

* Because of a huge power gap between T13 and previous Tiers, KIXEYE has to add filthy modifiers to T13 NPCs, such as damage immunity, damage bonus or target priority against old Tier ships. Unfortunately, those modifiers are just not enough:
** In farming, players can use any ships equipped with a Stasis weapon to group NPCs together and slow them down for T13 ships like Veritable to catch and take those NPCs down. Imagine Battleship or Destroyer class is in the play.
** In Fleet vs. Fleet, not only strong Stasis weapons, but also strong Weapon Disruption sources of previous Tiers can greatly harm T13 PvP battles. Furthermore, players can use a single ship of previous Tiers to take down opponent's T13 shields freely and likely control the whole battle at ease. Besides, trolls can slap a single T13 ship in their T12 fleet or vice versa, the purpose is that when trolls lose the fight, they can rely on that single ship to flee away or use the damage immunity to make the battle draw. Some people suggest that KIXEYE should make Tier lock but it just more and more proves that KIXEYE abandons everything from previous Tiers.
** Last but not least, Fleet vs. Base, it is impossible for any T13 ships to attack bases armed with T12 techs since base techs are not constrained by factions and T13 ships don't have any resistance against Alien, Blight, Plasma and Void weapons, which means those weapons deal true damage to T13 ships. Of course, Tier lock cannot prevent this from happening. If KIXEYE, again, forces players to level up their base by using T13 techs, players can just equip T13 techs to gain base's exp and then change back to T12 techs, the problem is successfully solved.

* In conclusion, going back to old school's fights is totally bad idea. Lack of forseeing and listening to old players instead of actual experience players leads to those huge problems. KIXEYE should solve those problems quick, or else VEGA will be closed because coiners will begin to think that what is point of buying new features just to prepare for farming newer features.

* CAUTION: Your Broadsiders' builds do not have to be the exact same as builds I used in this video, what they need to have are 1x NET Missile III and Pikes. Builds used in the video:
** 2 Broadsiders Elite can be obtained after completing the Spectre Division campaign.

Thanks for watching!


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