The Evolution of Donkey Kong Music (1981-2024)

Описание к видео The Evolution of Donkey Kong Music (1981-2024)

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Enjoy this video showing the evolution of Donkey Kong music between the years 1981 and 2024!

0:00 1981: Title Theme - Donkey Kong
0:16 1982: Title Theme - Donkey Kong Jr.
0:31 1983: Stage Theme 2 - Donkey Kong 3
0:46 1983: Title Theme - Donkey Kong Jr. Math
1:00 1994: DK Island Swing - Donkey Kong Country
1:20 1994: Aquatic Ambience - Donkey Kong Country
1:47 1994: Gang-Plank Galleon - Donkey Kong Country
2:04 1995: Stickerbush Symphony - Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest
2:40 1995: Hot Head Bop - Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest
3:01 1995: Forest Interlude - Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest
3:25 1996: Rockface Rumble - Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!
3:43 1997: Title Theme - Diddy Kong Racing
4:06 1999: DK Rap - Donkey Kong 64
4:32 2003: Donkey Konga Theme - Donkey Konga
4:49 2004: Title Screen - Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
5:16 2007: Title Screen - Donkey Kong Barrel Blast
5:32 2014: Title Theme - Donkey Kong Country - Tropical Freeze
5:52 2024: Title Screen - Mario vs. Donkey Kong

Composer(s): Various

Arrangement © Marioverehrer (2023-2024)
Original Music © Nintendo (1981-2024)


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