Getting started with FrSky R9 FLEX firmware

Описание к видео Getting started with FrSky R9 FLEX firmware

  / pawelspychalski  
Looks like FrSky R9 system (R9M TX and R9 Slim, Mini and R9MM family) are finally a usable product. With latest FLEX firmware released and OpenTX 2.2.3 on the loose, it's a good idea to upgrade all R9 gear and finally do not have to worry about FCC and EU-LBT versions. But it's not all that straight forward since R9 FLEX support is not enabled by default in OpenTX 2.2.3, you have to manually check a checkbox in OpenTX Companion app, and you still should know this and that about settings here and there.
So, without further ado, let's see how to start with OpenTX 2.2.3 and FrSky R9 FLEX

FrSky X10S Horus
FrSky R9M + R9MM + Super8
FrSky R9M

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