Evgeny Belyaev: You Are Always Beautiful

Описание к видео Evgeny Belyaev: You Are Always Beautiful

Evgeny Belyaev (Евгений Беляев) sings You Are Always Beautiful (Всегда ты хороша) on Soviet TV in 1962. Music by B. Mokrousov and lyrics by N. Gleyzarov.

This is a humorous song and Belyaev is laughing. In the lyrics, the singer is looking forward to his wedding night, and apparently privately rehearsing for it. The more he thinks of his beloved, the more excited he gets - right up to the climax at the end of the song. The pitch is set low in the tenor range - Belyaev is making an effort to sing loudly at the bottom of his range, thus drawing attention to the action going on down there - there is even a comedic end in the accompaniment, in case you missed the point of the song.

But don't misunderstand - it is a beautiful love song, and beautifully performed by the world's best choral ensemble of its time. You will never hear it sung better than this. There is great love in this song, and great compassion for the poor lover who has to wait, and cannot wait.


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