Tokyo Music Walker - Butterfly

Описание к видео Tokyo Music Walker - Butterfly

【Tokyo Music Walker - Butterfly】

Hi guys! My first album "Reflections" will be released on September 3rd🎧
Some songs will be pre-released on my YouTube channel.

⚠️I'm so sorry. All songs on this album are NOT free to use⚠️
But don't worry, I will continue to make another free music🎧
If you use my song, please check Soundcloud or my Youtube channel for a "Creative Commons License"


Tokyo Music Walker
Spotify :
Apple Music :   / tokyo-music-walker  
Youtube :    / @tokyomusicwalker4038  
Soundcloud :   / user-356546060  
Google Play :

▶︎Social media
Instagram :   / tokyo_music_walker  
Twitter :   / tmw99407138  
Facebook :   / tokyo-music-walker-104564734534042  


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