Richard Weller - Atlas for the End of the World

Описание к видео Richard Weller - Atlas for the End of the World

Dean’s Forum Lecture
Mon. 3.12.18, 5PM, Campbell Hall 153

Richard Weller is the Martin and Margy Meyerson Chair of Urbanism and Professor and Chair of Landscape Architecture at PennDesign. Throughout his career he has worked simultaneously as an academic and a consultant specializing in the formative stages of projects ranging from gardens to plazas, memorials, museums, suburbs and waterfronts. He is former director of the design firm Room 4.1.3 and the Australian Urban Design Research Center. His research projects have involved scenario planning for cities, megaregions and nations. His current research concerns urbanization in the world’s biodiversity hotspots. In over 30 years of practice he has won numerous international design competition awards and has published 4 books. Weller sits on the board of the Landscape Architecture Foundation and is the founder and Creative Director of the interdisciplinary journal of landscape architecture LA+. A devoted teacher, he was honored with an Australian National Teaching Award for “sustained commitment to inspiring and enabling students to engage creatively and critically with complex design problems.”


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