How to make the NEW LEO work - Test Server 4.1

Описание к видео How to make the NEW LEO work - Test Server 4.1

Pixonic let us test the new design of the LEO bot again this weekend.
Since it is a face-lift only at this point, I am looking for opportunities to make this robot work in your league. :)
The LEO is surely very easy to play and it's super high HP helps especially new players survive on the battlefield for a little longer.
However, walking and turning speed is still low compared to other robots, and the fact that it doesn't have any special abilities will likely confine it to lower leagues - up to Expert league at best.
Use your LEO as shown in this video all the way up to level 8. IMHO, once at level 8 you probably shouldn't upgrade it any further but concentrate more on weapons and other bots. From bronze to gold league it is a great bot for sure, but the higher you climb in your leagues, the further back it will have to fall range-wise because it will not survive close brawling encounters for very long :). The higher your league, the higher the range of weapons used on this robot will have to be.

War Robots is developed by Pixonic
my platform: android

the music:
Niviro - So Funky (NCS release)
Warriyo - Mortals (NCS release)


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