Thinking well of ALLAH | Emotional | by Sh. Salih al Maghamsi [TDR]

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ALLAH Azzawajal says "I am as My slave's opinion of Me." ~Bukhari~

Thinking well of ALLAH | Emotional | by Sh. Salih al Maghamsi [TDR]

The criterion for thinking well of Allah [Husn az-Zan]:

Ibn al-Qayim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: "Thinking well of Allah or Raja' manifests itself in believing in the means of salvations granted by Allah and not otherwise. Meaning, if a person excessively commits sins depending on Allah's forgiveness, mercy which precedes His wrath, it must be said that Allah is above all of this thinking. Allah is Ever-Wise in His decree. Allah is the Ever-Wise; He is above His creation and the Ever- Avenger who sends His wrath upon those who deserve it. Therefore, if thinking well of Allah is attributed to His Names and Attributes, thus righteous and immoral; believer and disbeliever, His Wali [friend of Allah] and enemies will be alike in the sight of Allah. Therefore, a tyrant immoral person will never attain Allah's mercy and forgiveness while Allah Has decreed torture for Him and engulfed him with His wrath. Such a person who committed sins, exceeded the limits of Allah and violated His prohibitions deserves nothing except Allah's wrath. On the contrary, thinking well of Allah benefits a person who sincerely repents and determine not to return to sins and to spend the rest of his life in goodness, obedience and righteousness. Then, such a repentant hopes to attain mercy through thinking well of Him. This is typically what Husn Az-Zan means, while the first case is known as deception. Allah is the Best Supporter"

Sheikh Salih Al-Maghamsi's Profile:

This is segment from a lecture by Sheikh Salih Al Maghamsi, who is the imam of Masjid al Quba in Medina, Saudi Arabia. He is one of the most well known scholars of tafseer.

He advises everyone mainly to remember three things: 1) No one is greater than Allah 2) No speech is greater than the speech of Allah 3) No one knows more about Allah than He

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