Backpacking the Chicago Basin

Описание к видео Backpacking the Chicago Basin

Three day trip into the Chicago Basin, including summits of Sunlight Peak and North Eolus.

In the heart of Colorado's wild,
Stands Chicago Basin, grand and mild.
With backpack on and trail to seek,
I ventured there to climb and peak.

Sunlight and North Eolus, two giants tall,
14,000 feet above it all.
The journey was not an easy feat,
But the summit was a glorious treat.

As I hiked, the mountain goats came near,
Hooves clacking, adding music to my ear.
They roamed the rocks with grace and ease,
A welcomed sight that brought great peace.

The summit was a sight to see,
A vista that was wild and free.
The world below lay at my feet,
A vast and wondrous panoramic treat.

With grateful heart and soul on fire,
I gazed upon the peaks higher.
This backpacking trip was pure delight,
A moment that will last through the night.

So if you seek adventure and peace,
Come to Colorado, let your spirit increase.
And climb to the top of Sunlight and North Eolus too,
With mountain goats all around to view.


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